Early-stage scholars & PhD Workshop

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Application Deadline25th February, 2024

Data and place for the PhD workshop: 25th June, 2024; Valencian Port Authority

Contact for Applications and Inquiriesiame2024iei@uv.es  


Early-stage scholars at the IAME 2024 Conference

The IAME 2024 Conference is particularly interested in offering early-stage scholars the opportunity of attending the Conference, discussing their contributions, and interacting with the whole IAME community.


As an early-stage scholar, you will enjoy a full set of benefits at this Conference, including:

  • A substantial reduction in the attendance fee.
  • The opportunity of presenting your contribution at a PhD session on the first day of the Conference (see below)
  • The participation in a social meeting for early-stage scholars in the evening of the second day. 
  • The chance of being awarded with the specific prize for early-stage scholars set at the Conference.


We consider as an early-stage scholar any PhD student, as well as any participant who defended her/his doctoral thesis no more than one year before the deadline for abstracts/full papers submission (25th February 2024). When registering (online) for the Conference, we expect a certificate showing the condition of early-stage scholar to be provided.


Participating in the PhD Workshop 

Regarding the participation in the PhD Workshop, we will consider papers at a middle or advanced (not published yet) level of progress. Very early-stage papers will not be considered for this session. Early-stage papers (extended abstracts) will be welcome for the open sessions of the Conference, but not for this PhD session. 


Note that both for the participation in the PhD Workshop and for being a candidate to the early-stage scholars´ prize, we expect the first signatory author of the presented paper to be the early-stage scholar.


Who will be in the jury in the Workshop and what is their role?

A committee of five senior IAME members will offer its comments about the selected papers, after a short presentation by the author. The committee members are experts with extensive research (and teaching) experience and will provide an in-depth discussion on the presented paper but also about how it fits in the research program of the candidate. The committee also acts as jury who will decide on the winner of the early-stage scholar´s award certificate, announced at the gala dinner of the conference.

The PhD Workshop Structure


A maximum of 8 papers (at a middle or advanced level of development) will be presented in the early-stage scholars´ workshop.

The committee will previously select those 8 papers among all those specifically submitted for this workshop, considering and equally weighting, the following elements:

  • 1.- Relevance of the topic, interest of the specific analysis and problem statement developed.
  • 2.- Structure, writing clarity and ability to link to the existing literature in the paper/proposal´s topic.
  • 3.- Methodology and data


Only preliminary and not necessarily clearcut results (if any) are expected from these papers/proposals.


The jury expects a short presentation of 10 minutes for each selected paper, explaining not only the content but also the way it is embedded in a larger PhD proposal/manuscript. Including the Q&A discussion with the jury, around 20 minutes per paper will be allocated.


How Can I Apply to Participate?


The submission of papers/proposals for the early-stage scholars´ workshop must be made through the specific link which appears in the COMS platform. Notification of acceptance will be sent during the month of April. We expect the candidates to this session to submit the following documents:


  • Her/his paper/proposal. 
  • A 2/3-page PHD outline or proposal including how the presented paper embeds in the PhD research.
  • A brief motivation letter of the candidate to participate in this workshop explaining why a more in-depth discussion would be valuable to her/his research/paper at this stage. 


Scientific Committee, 2024 IAME 

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