Submission Guidelines

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The IAME 2024 conference welcomes contributions under the form of full papers and extended abstracts focusing on -but not limited- to the following areas:

  • Automation and digitalization
  • Open innovation
  • Sustainable port & shipping strategies
  • Innovative financing schemes for port & maritime green transition investments 
  • Port and maritime infrastructure for the energy transition
  • Port city symbiosis and social value
  • Intermodal transport and hinterland strategies
  • Short sea shipping and motorways of the sea
  • International trade and geopolitics
  • Risk management and supply chain resilience
  • Maritime connectivity: its determinants and its impact on trade
  • Port governance models and regulation
  • Port performance and efficiency
  • Port and maritime business strategies
  • Education and training adjustments to the emerging knowledge requirements of port & maritime workers
  • Maritime safety & security 
  • Cybersecurity challenges for the maritime and port industry
  • Implications of emerging market trends for the port & sipping industry 
  • Cruise industry

Key dates

Extended abstract and full paper submission

from 1st December 2023 (opening of the COMS) to 25th February 2024
New!! Deadline extension to 10th March 2024

Notification of acceptance 

25th April, 2024

Conference registration deadline for presenters to confirm their participation in the program and proceedings

25th May, 2024

Conference delegates meet in Valencia, Spain

June 25th – 28th, 2024


EXTENDED ABSTRACT : Submit an abstract between 1500 and 2500 words providing an overview of the research. Extended abstract for presentation should include abstract (max. 200 words), motivation of the research and objectives, methodology and data, main results, and implications for research/policy/industry.

Extended Abstract Template

FULL PAPER: Submit a paper of maximum 7500 words using the template. Only full paper submissions will be eligible for the prizes awarded at the conference.

Full Paper Template

EARLY-STAGE SCHOLARS:  Only early-stage scholars should upload their contributions here. See the corresponding section in this site for more information. Submit a paper/proposal of maximum 5OOO words using template. Note two additional documents are required (see the template).

Early-Stage Scholars Template

Author(s) Information

  • Please note that each conference participant cannot present more than 2 papers, irrespective of whether the contribution is accepted in the full paper review track or as an extended abstract.
  • The corresponding author must create an account in the system with the representative email and submit the abstract or paper. All review feedback will be forwarded to the corresponding author's email.

For more information, please feel free to contact the Conference Team at

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